OSP + Scribus = Prizewinning Design! | osp blog

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OSP + Scribus = Prizewinning Design!


Yesterday OSP received a Plantin-Moretus prize 2009 for best designed book in the category non fiction. The jury about Cross-over: "It was love at first sight". The book, published by BAM and Lannoo and edited by Liesbeth Huybregts, uses Libre Fonts and is produced with Scribus and many other F/LOSS tools. We think it is probably the first publication made in Free Software crowned 'best designed book' and we are sure it is not going to be the last!

The prize is named after Plantin Moretus, a 16th century printing and publishing house in Antwerp renowned for its high quality cartography, typography and engraving.

OSP feels honoured :-)

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