Next Wednesday March 30th = Document Freedom Day (DFD), a global day for
document liberation.
Look here for events in your country:
Standards and their Stories
I'm looking forward to the stories that may be unfolding these days here at SVG Open.
[openbook booknumber="/b/OL16960548M"] Here are some quotes from chapter 1 of "Standards and their Stories", edited by Martha Lampland and Susan Leigh Star. Among other things, this introductory chapter makes a point for …
Interleaved formats
This interview may be a good read. It deals with some aspects of the "current state" (June 2010) of SVG implementations.
It's got a really sweet format. It's a two-sided interview, meaning that Doug Scheppers and Patrick Dengler interview each other. It's not often that I come across interviews that …
Yesterday Constant met with Evan Roth to discuss gestures and standards, confessions and F/LOSS, archiving and collaboration.More soon.
Hello I'm NANCY ♥
3 days, 327 kilometers, 6 liters of Cube Cola Libre and 54 commits later ...
Please meet NANCY (a new OSP-software project), download the Dingbat Liberation font (DLFo) and much more at:
Re-thinking Miscellaneous Symbols: Flêche grasse à pointe arondie vers la droite?Dingbats in a monkey
The Dingbats Liberation Fest adventure continues in Nancy from March 25 to May 6.
Invited by the my.monkey gallery, OSP présentera quelques uns de ses travaux et ouvrira un nouvel atelier Dingbats Liberation Fest into the grid.
Le projet de fonte collaborative Dingbats Liberation Fest propose de redessiner les …
Valentine scripting
Poster and flyer designed and produced in OpenOfficeThis week and next, colleague and friend An Mertens (a.k.a. Ana Foor) works out of the Elsene local library Sans Souci. She'll be listening to your account of meeting a loved one for the first time, those habits that keep …
Dingbat Liberation Fest II
Friday December 11
Location: CASCO, Office for Art, Design and Theory Utrecht (NL)
☔ ✈ ❀ ☺ ❍ ✌ ☺ ✈ ❉
[caption id="attachment_3675" align="alignright" width="400" caption="Marzipan production at the Dingbat Liberation Fest I"]
[/caption]Next week, OSP is happy to re-play Dingbat kitchen with students from the Arnhem Academy of Art and Design.
"Dingbats …
Cimatics landscapes
Earlier this year, we were invited to work on the identity of the Brussels-based Cimatics A\V Platform.Cimatics is a framework for initiating and facilitating audiovisual productions, events, publications and workshops.
To launch the new identity, we developed a new family of fonts! We hope you're ready for the …Runny technicolor
Dans le cadre du festival "Imaginary Property", OSP vous invite au Novale jeudi 28 mai 2009 à 19 h. Au programme : le jaune interdit et le rouge bientôt libre, un décodage de morceaux de vie montréalais au LGM 2009, une projection vers des formats inconnus et un aperçu de …
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