Sorry to disturb you. We are a group of
designers working in Brussels,
Belgium with free software and we've used for 18 months the Ume fonts
for the graphical and typographic identity of a
theatre. We are preparing a
presentation/performance in which we would love to insert some …
Articles in the fonts category 
Colored beehive
Ana and Ricardo, our friends from Manufacturaindependente, have join us at Variable house for a February residency busy with the preparation of the LGRU Co-position research meeting. In the beehive, maybe a pre-workshop about Colorfonts?
interpunctie samples all.pdf
From Thursday 20th to Sunday 23rd November OSP went to contemplate the Bolwerk archives landscape from the window of Frans Masereel Centrum. As part of Bolwerk's residency, we were invited to propose a reading of Bolwerk's material inbetween its punctuation. Linked to our actual and future projects, this journey …
Year - Mousse
A few weeks ago, a 365 pages magazine has been published by Komplot and David Evrard in Brussels. Even if it is not strictly an OSP job (it miss, by exemple, the necessery plural workers), it smells libre graphics around its square ears. Another magazine, Mousse, ask questions, multivoices amongst …
Sans Guilt, it looks like the story continues
Do you remember that we sent a letter a few weeks ago. We are finally expecting an answer from our correspondent and we feel it is time to reveal the content of this letter. Feel free to react to this letter either on this blog, by mail or on any …
Asian Record, side B
[caption id="attachment_6221" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="opendesign.asia"]
[caption id="attachment_6222" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Vi Mã Đăng installing OSP's posters at Café 3D."]
Its akward, it's unconfortable, but we want to put ourselves in a position of welcoming a happy accident, a trong …
It Looks Like We Are Sending A Letter
Brussels, April 15 @ 3:45 pm -- stay tuned for full story in 2 weeksSpring font OSP day
Spring cleaning with a long awaited operation : the release of our OSP DIN.
Spring listing our current favorite fonts, in use for projects or planned to be used :
the Univers Else is yours
Fresh new display case for Univers Else font, with original Crickx vinyl lettering.
Check out Speculoos and OSP's dead drop and get Univers Else.POLSKU UPDATE
Thanks to Paulo Silva aka nitrofurano, Polsku has now a Latin 1 diacritics
and ligatures set. The new version is available for download on OSP Foundry.
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