(Call forwarded from Isabelle Massu)
- + + + + + + + + + + + + {: } Museums narrate the history of man’s evolution through the display of tools (silex, knife, jar, etc.). In contrast, we are looking for useless tools. This call will result in a vitrine of objects titled 'Object Inutile' to …
Data analysis as a discourse
An interview with Michael Terry (ingimp)
At the Libre Graphics Meeting 2008 in Wroclaw, just before Michael Terry presents ingimp to an audience of curious Gimp developers and users, we meet up to talk more about 'instrumenting The Gimp' and about the way Terry thinks data analysis could be done …
Summer of Code / Season of Usability
Scribus is included in this year's Google Summer of Code and now looking for contributions in the form of proposals and feedback to already formulated ideas: http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/GsoC_2008_Ideas
Scribus is also actively looking for student applications:
http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/GsoC_2008_Example_proposalFrom the …
1 année de Graphisme, 100% libre
La conférence d'Alexandre Robin a LGM
Association internationnale en science politique.
Design Graphique, administration reseau, dévelopement web, Alexandre à choisi de travailler en OS plus par goût que par économie.Une présentation enthousiasmante, menée dans un protocole tout "corporate" il apparait aussi que le sujet était: "comment j'ai caché …
At the FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Software Developers Meeting) conference in Brussels, two openSuse developers presented their research on usability of KDE desktops.
Their testing methods consists of interviews, questionnaires, screen recordings plus precise video documentation of a group of 10 people trying to accomplish 12 tasks using various …