[caption id="attachment_2533" align="alignright" width="400"
caption="NotCourierSans in use (Nova Imaginary Property
+ ½ OSP's are on their way to Montreal, Canada where they will
participate in the Libre Graphics
Meeting from 6-9 May
(expect more news as soon as they land). Next Saturday May 9 …
Articles by OSP 
Take Away Archive
25 April to 31 May, open every weekend from 14:00-18:00
Opening: Friday 24 April 18:00-24:00
Rue de la Senne 17, Brusselshttp://ospublish.constantvzw.org/image/index.php?level=album&id=28
For the opening of a temporary workspace at Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne …
Pre-announcement: print/pixel conference
(forwarded from the research programme Communication in a digital age, Rotterdam)
PRINT/PIXEL International conference on the shifting relation between online and print publishing
Tuesday-Wednesday 12-13 May 2009 | 12-17:00 (public sessions), 20-22:00 (professional sessions)
The conference investigates the shifting relationship between online and print publishing. Both can no …
Warm gray's liberation is officially delayed
Even if our earlier post was based on a real and outrageous e-mail exchange between Gimp developer David Neary and the marketing department of Pantone (trying to find a solution so that FLOSS softwares could use the copyrighted colorsystem)... and even if the Color Universal Design (CUD) organization does exist …Warm Gray Liberation
From the CBUD-mailinglist:
Subject: RE: FW: Licensee Application From: "DUURKOOP, JULIA" Date: Wed, 1 April 2009 11:20:25 -0400 To: "Daniel Fary"
Dear Daniel:
Thank you for your inquiries and follow-up e-mails. After consulting with executives, engineers and lawyers at the Company, we have decided to insert a series …
Re-Print party: Quatre Quarts II
Tuesday 31 March 13:00-16:00
Auditoire P7 • Erg, 87, Rue du page, 1050 BruxellesAt Open course / Open source, OSP performs a second run of a Print Party that happened almost a year ago at the exact same location. This time we have changed roles to serve you another …
OSP + Open Source / Open Course
mardi 31 mars 2009 @ ERG, Bruxelles
Open Course / Open Source : une journée d’information et de rencontre sur le logiciel libre dans le domaine de l’art. Présentations, partage d’expériences, print-party and more ...
Auditoire P7 • Erg, 87, Rue du page, 1050 Bruxelles
http://www.multimedialab.be/blog/?p=1204 …Liberafiontes
03.03.2009 18:39 @ Chaussée de Waterloo / Porte de Hal, Brussels (sighted by Wendy):
Tales of Interrogated Type (Parallel Publishing)
OSP is preparing for a long drive: Pierre, Yi, Ivan and Femke leave Brussels Tuesday morning to be later joined by another Pierre (our special guest), Harrisson and Ludivine (now in Paris producing a tape/vinyl version of their worldmap for Cinéma du Réel), in Bordeaux. There …
Open Revival
"With the written word an absolute fundamental component of daily communication, typography and fonts are vital to providing aesthetic harmony and legibility to our textual works. There are thousands of fonts available, of which only a small number are useful or any good for setting vast quantities of text, and …