(A post for readers with some F/LOSS stamina)
After producing a flyer for
VJ10 in Inkscape without too
much trouble, we confidently decide to do a poster next. With a three
week programme of lectures, workshops and
installations following four
interwoven themes, scattered over five locations and of course …
Articles in the works category 
Questions and answers [update]
Over the last few months, the OSP and Mute team have established a new design and production workflow for Mute magazine, using Open Source tools. Below are a few of the questions we are encountering during the last stages of this process.
Mute 2 6 – Questions and answers
Storing images …Out of the veil
250 cm2 of printed matters OSP visit card have been delivered.
They look bright! The file delivered to the printer was a PDF from inkscape.
It seems that the SVG suffered of a RGB to CYMK conversion which altered a bit the colors. All colors were based on 100% of …Soundscape goes Inkscape
The new maxi vynil from Odessa is about to be send to production. We worked on the label design yesterday and inkscape's "clone generator" feature did the difference. It was the perfect tool to render an electronic disco ball - and type, evoking the minimal dance pop of the music and …
In Print
Contribution by De Geuzen in Open magazine about Travail Mobile, a workshop for Digitales.After theCrash Test-post a few month ago, finally pictures of the result!
Thanks to Peter Linnell (one of the main Scribus developers), who after I posted about some Postscript troubles to the Scribus mailinglist, came …
Crash test: Travail mobile
Lay-out in Scribus
Download low-res PDF
Finished! Sketched and produced a seven page contribution to Open (Dutch bi-monthly on art in public space) + inside cover. Images were prepared in Gimp; pattern assembled in Inkskape and document lay-out in Scribus (v1.3.3.2); all on Ubuntu.
- Importing outlines from Gimp …About Constant Verlag
Constant Verlag re-publishes material from the depth of the Constant Archives in A5 cahiers of maximum 48 pages. Some of those texts are available on line as well, others are just saved on one of our harddrives; some written in French, others in English or Dutch; recent or as early …
Inkscape Poster
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