500 unique books installed in Worm,
Giant pixel image by Gordo Savicic and Danja Vassiliev.
More images: http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/image/?level=album&id=23
500 unique books installed in Worm,
Giant pixel image by Gordo Savicic and Danja Vassiliev.
More images: http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/image/?level=album&id=23
For a while already, we wanted to experiment with the Scribus Scripter API in a printed job and a catalogue for the Piet Zwart Institute's Media design graduation show formed the perfect excuse.
Mute's Simon Worthington connected us with
Identic, a digital printer based in
Brussels. They can print …
Towards is a cartographic project close to OSP and the second publication is finally out and available after a long 9 months of preparation. Following our informations, it's the last one that will be produced using proprietary software ;)... But the timeline present on the cover and backcover, made from all …
Hot off the press: CROSS-over, Kunst, media en technologie in
Published by BAM / Lannoo and designed by OSP :-)
Issue Magazine launch: Friday March 21 18:00 - 19:30
Log on via: http://mixedsources.tk/
For the launch of Issue Magazine, Stéphanie Vilayphiou and Alexandre Leray are hosting an on line round table with Arie Altena, Jouke Kleerebezem and Harrisson.
"Why do you bother with complicated stuff to convert images in CYMK?"
asked Loic Vanderstichelen the other night "Use
And it works! It even manages 16 bits tif!
Now we know! ;)
The Linux Foundation OpenPrinting work group, organises a get-together
24-27 September in Montreal.
As stated on their site, the printing activities of the Linux Foundation revolve around a few focal points:
Frog and Prince is a fairytale featuring free software, python
scripting and an open font. The story was premièred at LGM
2007 (Montréal, Canada), and
formed the centerpiece of the Canadian Printing
Breakfast (Brussels, June
2007). Below is everything you need to make the recipe, but you can also
browse …