When we began to think about how to establish a more rich and warm collaboration with printers after the cold alerts we experienced during OSP production, Georges Charlier's appetite for research and openness to exotic solutions reappeared in Pierre's mind. And since we are preparing some new books, it was …
Articles in the conversations category 
Gestes Numériques
Our colleagues from Open Source Video published a video-registration of the discussion that took place at the yearly Journées du Libre.
Enjoy Loic Vanderstichelen, Stéphane Noël, Michel Cleempoel and Marc Wathieu as they present with humour and enthusiasm why F/LOSS is …Even when you are done, you are not done
A conversation with Chris Lilley
Almost a year ago at the Libre Graphics Meeting 2008, OSP sat down with Chris Lilley on a small patch of grass in front of the Technical University in Wroclaw, Poland. Warmed up by the early May sun, we talked about the way standards are …
GRRRR - objectivity of the unperfect,
During an internet wandering, and thanks to excellent K-SET website, I found the link to swiss drawing artist GRRRR website I was looking for a long time. Though I'm fan for a long time of his work, from Maika 2 (www.noraduester.net => music) record sleeve to Vitra 2006 catalogue …
Data analysis as a discourse
An interview with Michael Terry (ingimp)
At the Libre Graphics Meeting 2008 in Wroclaw, just before Michael Terry presents ingimp to an audience of curious Gimp developers and users, we meet up to talk more about 'instrumenting The Gimp' and about the way Terry thinks data analysis could be done …
Interview avec Denis
L'ATypI 08 est en route à St Petersburg. Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, co-leader du projet DejaVu y a présenté ce matin le projet sur lequel il travaille actuellement.
C'est l'occasion pour nous de publier une interview OSP de Denis, rencontré en mai dernier aux Libre Graphics Meeting 2008 de Wrocław.
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What’s the thinking here?
Matthew Fuller: One of the things that is notable about OSP is that the problems that you encounter are also described, appearing on your blog. This is something unusual for a company attempting to produce the impression of an efficient ’solution’. Obviously the readers of the blog only get a …
Why you should own the beer company you design for
Interview with Dmytri Kleiner
OSP met Venture Communist Dmytri Kleiner late night (thank you Le Coq for the soundtrack!) after his talk InfoEnclosure-2.0, in a bar. We wanted to ask him what his ideas about peer production could mean for the practice of designers and typographers.
Referring to Benjamin …
To be continued: meeting Dave Crossland
We nearly missed our train back to Brussels while meeting Dave Crossland. At the station we talked about the history of font editing software, about the 'free font movement' and everything that could become possible once fonts and font editing software are free. We were also excited about how (and …
I think the ideas behind it are beautiful in my mind
Interview with George Williams, Fontforge developer
(...) I think the ideas behind it are beautiful in my mind -- and in some sense I find the user interface beautiful. I'm not sure that anyone else in the world does, because it's what I want, but I think it's beautiful. (George Williams, May …