Why you should own the beer company you design for | osp blog

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Why you should own the beer company you design for

Interview with Dmytri Kleiner

OSP met Venture Communist Dmytri Kleiner late night (thank you Le Coq for the soundtrack!) after his talk InfoEnclosure-2.0, in a bar. We wanted to ask him what his ideas about peer production could mean for the practice of designers and typographers.

Referring to Benjamin Tucker, Yochai Benkler and Marcel Mauss, Kleiner explains how to prevent leakage at the point of scarcity through operating within a total system of worker owned companies. Between fundamentals of media- and information economy, we talk about free typography and what it has to do with nuts and bolts, the problem of working with estimates and why the people that develop Scribus should own all the magazines it enables.

Also speaking is his wife Franziska Kleiner, editor for a German publishing company.

kleiner.mp3 [29.10" | 16.7MB]
