The Hadopi is a big thing in France. At its origin, a piece of legislation that implements the three strikes model for illegal downloads. You receive three warnings and then you are 'banned' from the internet. The authority who is in charge of applying the sanction is the Hadopi. A …
Articles by nicolas 
Patents threat on photomosaic plugin
Found on the developper's website:
The image mosaic plug-in for the GIMP is no longer supported or distributed. Mr. Robert Silvers, the holder of a patent related to the technology that was used in the plug-in, argued that the software would directly infringe his patent rights. It is not clear …
Free Magenta!
Qu'attend-on pour libérer le magenta ? A very good article by Pascal Riché on the website of rue89 on how the trademark law makes it possible for companies to own a color for a specific commercial field.
Autrement dit, si vous voulez repeindre votre maison en magenta (appelé ainsi à cause …
...quietly digitizing around 1,000 public domain titles every day
A photo-reportage by Dave Bullock, published on the Wired, that shows the process of digitalising books for the Internet Archive. This process is still done manually due to the fragility of old books and their size variance.
"For those picturing an efficient, automated process involving robotic arms and high-tech scanners …
Waiting for SK1
After the presentation of Igor Novikov about the new version of sk1, the OSP team can't wait. It is promised to be published for June, in the meantime we installed the current version and are testing our svgs with it.
To install the current version on ubuntu:
grab the three …
Batik, new release
The Apache Foundation has released a new version of Batik.
Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as display, generation or manipulation.
Using Batik’s thumbnail function to navigate a complex SVG …Inkscape + xslt = dynamic workflow
Use Inkscape and XSLT to Create Cross-Platform Reports and Forms, an article by Chad Files on the Linux Journal website that details a workflow to produce dynamic forms and reports for both print and web using Inkscape and Xslt.
Description of the problem and requirements:
Health-care claims are very intricate …
Liberation fonts
A news found on Linuxhelp:
Visit any random website and chances are the website expects your machine to have a set of fonts which have become the de-facto standard on the Internet. The fonts being Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New and so on. While it may not be illegal …
Who's Afraid of Adobe? - Not me, says the Mozilla foundation.
As we already mentioned in this blog, Adobe owns many of the (proprietary) tools used by designers nowadays: Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and after having acquired Macromedia, it also owns Dreamweaver, Flash, Director, etc. Monopoly rhymes with monoculture.
However, Adobe has not always been the enemy of free formats. A recent …
Convert tiff to transparent PNG
Since long, we wished to write about scripting for image creation and manipulation. There are many reason why you would spend some time to do it. To resize a lot of images by hand can be a tedious task, or your software misses a component to achieve a particular result …
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