a trackback, Alexandre discovered the work of Lafkon studio a few days
ago. Than, through Antonio Roberts' comment on this same post, I find
out about his work with animated fontfiles. Antonio writes:
"Font files are files that attribute a style to the otherwise plain text that we see on screen. The computer treats this only as an attribute of the text and can understand it regardless of what font file is used or how it looks to the viewer"
Exploring his blog further, I am intrigued by a series of inkscape-animations, and learn they are based on the svgbuild script in Ed Halley's Programmer's Notebook:
"This script takes a SVG (scaleable vector graphics) file, and uses the InkScape application to render each frame of a movie animation. If viewed in sequence, a virtual "camera" is animated along a tour of the image as it is constructed, entity by entity, from nothing up to the final construction."
Ed Halleys' notebook contains many more interesting things to play with. ("a phrase generator which assembles phrases from random pieces") or ("Routines for recognizing handwriting strokes and gestures").
It will lead to something else one day.