Sapins-sapins by hand | osp blog

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Sapins-sapins by hand

poster ptit faystival

Petit-Fays is a charming small village in the quiet remote pine covered mountains of the belgian Ardennes.

Each year, there is the Ball of Petit-Fays village. During this week-end there are citizen diners, a big tent for feast and dance, an open air bar with cherry beer and barbecue, a nomadic friterie and a wild night long disco.

Some "Enfants du Pays", with strong musical professionnal amateurisme skills, hacked this traditionnal feast by adding smoothly a live music festival for 4 years. This Ptit Faystival opened the countryside community to share pop - rock - folk music with a friendly urban public during a mythical week-end.

This year we had the honor to be asked to do the poster. And we've done it entierelly by hand. We mixed spraycan/stencyls with silkscreen to get a forest of 200 singular pines.

Feel warmly welcome to join this partying forest! It will be this july 12, at 4pm, and for at least 24 hours...

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Dans le cadre charmant du village de Petit-Fays,

à partir de 16h, un festival de concerts
de musiciens
hors du commun
sous le chapiteau où commence à 22h,

le bal annuel du village
animé par DJ New Sensation.

Le camping gratuit est possible sur place.

Les sites des musiciens:


Autoroute Bruxelles-Luxembourg venant de Bruxelles
sortie 22 Beauraing, aller jusqu'à Beauraing
puis direction Bouillon (N95).
Après Bièvre, prendre à droite direction Petit-Fays.

Venant de Luxembourg, sortie 25, direction Reims-Bouillon N89 sur 20km.
Sortie à Menuchet-Dinant et prendre la N95 direction Dinant (10km).
Avant Bièvre prendre à gauche direction Petit Fays.

Gare SNCB: Graide