Last Thursday and Friday OSP gathered in Heure-en-Famenne to discuss future plans and current projects. After almost 5 years of work we wanted to take a bit of time to look back and forward. We made several resolutions and decisions. Some will be already visible in ~~the coming weeks~~ now …
Articles by OSP 
This Fall
This fall @ OSP:
- Prix Fernand Baudin Prijs Tournée française (Paris, Valence, Nancy, Besançon et Amiens 30/09/2010 → 30/01/2011)
- Teaching Images numériques – Open source – Chaîne (typo)-graphique ouverte at ERG
- Submitted proposal to the The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) to fund a Libre Graphics Research …
One nouveau flyer voor Constant vzw/asbl
Call for proposals: Libre Graphics Magazine 1.1
Libre Graphics Magazine is seeking submissions for its first numbered issue, which loosely follows the theme First Encounters/Taking Flight. Submissions can range from the written, to the visual, to the interactive. If it can be flattened and printed, it could appear in our print edition. If it moves or …
LGM 2011: date + place confirmed
The sixth edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting will take place from 10-13 May 2011 in Montreal, Canada. The local team builds on experience of having organised two earlier meetings in the same city, plus this years' LGM will make a special effort to connect to the …
The Library
On our (virtual) bookshelves:
Download the list as .csv file: OSP-library_030810
The OSP-library is a modest pile of books that we think is relevant to our practice. Some we have read and others we should. We'll keep adding titles; suggestions welcome!
After testing several ways to catalogue the collection, we …
In the mail
In the mail today:
From Taipei (Taiwan): Freesouls. Captured and released. Joi Ito, 2008
From Weimar (Germany): Lorem Ipsum: Zentralorgan der Freien Klassen Kommunikation. 2010Thank you Christopher + Martin :-)
Almost there!
We're busy closing the books on LGM 2010 and soon deciding where to go for LGM 2011 (Brasil? Montreal? Vietnam? Follow the discussion at: so we almost did not notice that it's only a very little stretch to our initial goal of raising …
Libre Graphics Magazine #0
During LGM 2010, Ana, ginger and Ricardo (+ a.l.e and Femke) edited, designed and published Libre Graphics Magazine #0.
You can download it here: revoir LGM2010
- Constant pictures:
- Overview of pictures + posts:
- Video registrations: