Anything else we can do to make you donate a few dollars to LGM2010 :-D?
Articles by OSP 
Support LGM2010!
At the yearly Libre Graphics Meeting, developers and users of our favorite tools get together to work on better software. For some of them, a trip to Brussels is easy to fund, others cannot afford the journey without our help. Let's pull our resources together and raise 10.000 \$ (7350 …
To drip or not to drip
Exhibition Prix Fernand Baudin
26 February – 10 March 2010
Exhibition in Brussels presenting the bookawards and nominations of the Fernand Baudin Prize 2009, the prize of the Most Beautiful Books in Brussels and Wallonia.BIP
Rue Royale, 2-4
1000 BrusselsOpening, award ceremony of the honorary diploma’s + release of the catalogue: 25th …
Cutting Edge
Valentine scripting
Poster and flyer designed and produced in OpenOfficeThis week and next, colleague and friend An Mertens (a.k.a. Ana Foor) works out of the Elsene local library Sans Souci. She'll be listening to your account of meeting a loved one for the first time, those habits that keep …
O S P double
Pour le numéro de janvier consacré à la visualisation de données, le magazine français étapes: ouvre une double page à OSP pour notre carte Cinéma du réel 2009.
> voir +
OSP wins Fernand Baudin Prize
Tracks in Electr(on)ic Fields, published by Constant and designed by OSP with ConTeXt and Scribus, has been awarded one of 9 prizes for
The Most Beautiful Book of Brussels and Wallonia
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[{: .alignright .size-thumbnail .wp-image-3709 width="75" height="52 …
Dingbat Liberation Fest II
Friday December 11
Location: CASCO, Office for Art, Design and Theory Utrecht (NL)
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[caption id="attachment_3675" align="alignright" width="400" caption="Marzipan production at the Dingbat Liberation Fest I"]
[/caption]Next week, OSP is happy to re-play Dingbat kitchen with students from the Arnhem Academy of Art and Design.
"Dingbats …
Dingbat Carpet
Ludi draws a giant 26FD Unicode dingbat (from the recent 5.2 character additions)More images: