(Call forwarded from Isabelle Massu)
- + + + + + + + + + + + + {: } Museums narrate the history of man’s evolution through the display of tools (silex, knife, jar, etc.). In contrast, we are looking for useless tools. This call will result in a vitrine of objects titled 'Object Inutile' to …
Unimaginable tools
"Only rarely, if indeed ever, are a tool and an altogether original job it is to do, invented together. Tools as symbols, however, invite their imaginative displacements into other than their original contexts. In their new frames of reference, that is, as new symbols in an already established imaginative calculus …
Radio Luz mixtape
This was the playlist when OSP went on a radio station in Wrocław. A few months after, it's hard to reconstruct the exact sequence of events that led us there. It was something like this: there was a gig at an alternative space, David met us there, he had helped …
Help with design
Bob Sutor, Vice President of Standards and Open Source at Industrial Business Machines, sees no alternative to Linux in the next 10 years. But there is a need of more graphic designers to help with design.
LinkSkeleton, Corset, Skin
Stroom Den Haag started their year long project After Neurath with a public symposium. After Neurath looked/looks at the relevance of 1930's philosopher and information activist Otto Neurath, and as you can imagine various familiar issues came up.More information about Otto Neurath: http://www.stroom.nl/webdossiers/webdossier …
A fish can't judge the water
Constant's contribution to OknoPublic01, May 26 2006
New media curator --- information architect -- theater maker -- science fiction writer -- data base programmer -- media designer or software artist: we use computer programmes to write, read, listen, publish, edit and play. More than often we do all these things at the same time and …
Community marketing?
On http://www.spreadfirefox.com/ Firefox "Calls All Firefox Fans" to work on posters, leaflets, e-cards, websites and videoclips in an attempt take more market share away from Internet Explorer. One of their most popular campaigns I've posted here, because it replicates so many cliches about women and computers, that …
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